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副教授 硕士生导师
- [1] Prediction model of the response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancers by a Naive Bayes algorithm, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. vol. 192, 105458, Aug. 2020.,
- [2] Optimizing Survival Analysis of XGBoost for Ties to Predict Prognostic Status of Breast Cancer, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 148-160. Jan. 2021. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2020.2993278,
- [3] A Personalized Prognostic Model for Early Invasive Breast Cancer by Machine-Learning Multidimensional Data: A Population-based Cohort Study in China, JMIR Med. Inform. 8(11):e19069, Nov. 2020,
- [4] Whole exome and target sequencing identifies MAP2K5 as novel susceptibility gene for familial non-medullary thyroid carcinoma, International Journal of Cancer,
- [5] Predicting invasive disease-free survival for early-stage breast cancer patients using follow-up clinical data, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,
- [6] HitBoost: Survival Analysis via A Multi-output Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Method, IEEE Access,
- [7] A multiple breast cancer stem cell model to predict recurrence of T1-3, N0 breast cancer, BMC Cancer,
- [8] Multi-biometric cryptosystem: model structure and performance analysis. IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 4(4):867-882, Dec. 2009. (SCI: 000271968200010; EI: 20094912524090;CCF A)
- [9] Efficient fuzzy vault based on pairing and its application to fingerprint encryption. Chinese Journal of Electronics, Vol. 19(2):249-255, 2010. (SCI:000277070900013; EI: 20101912920807)
- [10] Fingerprint verification based on directional filter banks and Hu invariant moment, Journal of Computational Information System, vol. 8(1):1~8, 2012
- [11] Fingerprint verification based on DFB and Hu invariant moments. Journal of Computational Information System, vol. 8(4):1407-1414, 2012 (EI:20121614949701)
- [12] Image segmentation based on trickle-up and trickle-down visual pathway in primate. Journal of Computation Information Systems. Vol. 8(9):3757-3765, May 2012. (EI: 20122615179119)
- [13] Fingerprint Verification Using Directional Filter Banks and Invariant Moment. INFORMATION: An International Interdisciplinary Journal. vol. 15(6):2509-2512, Jun. 2012. (SCI: 000305772500023)
- [14] Texture-based fingerprint recognition combining directional filter banks and wavelet. Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 26, no. 4:1-20, 2012(EI:20124315606351; SCI:000309922300010)
- [15] MacWilliams identity for m-spotty weight enumerators over finite ring. Jour. of Computational Information Systems, vol. 9(4):1565-1574, February 15, 2013. (EI: 20131516191886)
- [16] Secret sharing schemes from a class of linear codes over finite chain ring. Journal of Computational Information Systems, vol. 9(7):2777-2784, April 1, 2013. (EI: 20131916319033)
- [17] Magnitude-phase of quaternion wavelet transform for texture representation using multilevel Copula. IEEE Trans. Signal Processing Letters, vol. 20(8):799-802, 2013. (SCI: 000320880900003, EI: 20132916502370)
- [18] MacWilliams Type Identity for M-spotty rosenbloom-tsfasman weight enumerator of linear codes over finite ring. IEICE Trans. On Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Science. Vol. E96A(6):1496-1500, Jun. 2013.(SCI: 00320014500057, IDS 号: 158ZT)
- [19] Rapid-transform Based Rotation Invariant Descriptor for Texture Classification under Non-ideal Conditions. International Journal of Pattern Recognition, vol. 47(1):313-325, Jan. 2014. (SCI: 00032690350026, EI: 20134116837722)
- [20] 小波域Coplua多维模型纹理检索,中国科学 信息科学, vol. 44(12):1527-1541, 2014